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 Caroline and the Footman de Renata McMann & Summer Hanford

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Jess Swann
Romancière anglaise
Jess Swann

Nombre de messages : 1574
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2013

Caroline and the Footman de Renata McMann & Summer Hanford Empty
MessageSujet: Caroline and the Footman de Renata McMann & Summer Hanford   Caroline and the Footman de Renata McMann & Summer Hanford Icon_minitimeLun 23 Fév 2015, 18:19

Présentation de l'éditeur : This "Pride and Prejudice" variation explores the possibility that Caroline Bingley's behavior is motivated by goals other than a desire to attract Darcy. In an effort to shatter the Caroline Bingley villain motif, "Caroline and the Footman" portrays a Caroline who is not stupid, greedy or villainous, but rather someone with her own life and dreams, though her actions do still influence Darcy's and Elizabeth's relationship. Readers will find everything they thought they knew about Caroline Bingley turned on its head.
This short story is about 10,000 words.

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Caroline and the Footman de Renata McMann & Summer Hanford
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