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 Modern Persuasion, 2019?

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3 participants
Master of Thornfield

Nombre de messages : 24251
Age : 67
Localisation : Entre Salève et Léman
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2006

Modern Persuasion, 2019? Empty
MessageSujet: Modern Persuasion, 2019?   Modern Persuasion, 2019? Icon_minitimeVen 20 Juil 2018 - 18:11

On ne sait pour l'instant pas grand chose sur cette nouvelle adaptation de Persuasion, si ce n'est qu'elle semble qu'elle ne devrait avoir qu'un lointain rapport avec l'histoire originale. ^^

Citation :
From a script penned by Lisecki and Barbara Radecki (Expecting), Modern Persuasion centers on Wren Cosgrove (Witt), a happily single and self-confessed workaholic who, after steadfastly rising to the top of the ladder in the NY corporate publicity world, finds herself coming home every night to her cat. But when her firm is hired by the man who got away, Wren finds herself having to interact with her ex-boyfriend every day when she’d rather just curl up in a ball and wail like a teenager. In time, she finds the courage and strength to rebuild not only her company, but her love life as well.

J'aimerais savoir ce qu'il peut y avoir en commun entre Anne Elliot et une professionnelle accro au boulot, cadre dans une boîte de pub.  Suspect

Du coup je suis allée voir si c'était inspiré d'une fan fiction et je suis tombée sur Modern Persuasion,  de Sara Marks. Mais je crois que ça n'a rien à voir car le pitch est différent et me semble un  soupçon plus approprié.
Citation :
Modern Persuasion by Sara Marks takes Jane Austen’s Persuasion into the present day. Emma Shaw (Anne Elliot) is an editor at the publishing house run by family friend Karen Russell, who is grooming Emma to take over the imprint run by her father, Walter Shaw. Somehow Emma manages to sort out her father’s and sister Elizabeth’s financial troubles, cater to her needy sister Mary, and get everything in order for PubCon. She’s hit hard by the appearance of Frederick Wentworth, who is there to promote his new book before going on tour.

Circumstances conspire to put Emma in charge of Frederick’s book tour, which makes for some awkward situations given that they haven’t been in touch since she turned down his marriage proposal eight years ago. Emma holds it together the best she can as she and Frederick, accompanied by his friend Patrick and her assistant Louisa, go from city to city barely speaking to one another, and definitely not addressing their unresolved feelings.

Wait and see.  scratch

Modern Persuasion, 2019? Mr10
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Tenant of Hamley Hall

Nombre de messages : 29105
Age : 27
Localisation : Entre l'Angleterre et la Thaïlande !
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2012

Modern Persuasion, 2019? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Modern Persuasion, 2019?   Modern Persuasion, 2019? Icon_minitimeVen 20 Juil 2018 - 18:40

Merci pour l'info, Cat ! sunny J'espère qu'on en saura très vite plus sur cette adaptation ! Wink
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Sweet Indian Princess

Nombre de messages : 59823
Age : 62
Localisation : entre deux livres
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2009

Modern Persuasion, 2019? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Modern Persuasion, 2019?   Modern Persuasion, 2019? Icon_minitimeVen 20 Juil 2018 - 19:06

Merci pour l'info, Cat cheers Comme c'est mon roman préféré de Jane Austen, j'ai trop hâte d'en savoir plus bounce
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Modern Persuasion, 2019? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Modern Persuasion, 2019?   Modern Persuasion, 2019? Icon_minitime

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Modern Persuasion, 2019?
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