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 Twilight : le film

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Cherry Blossom Girl

Nombre de messages : 2458
Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 09/02/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeLun 20 Oct 2008, 22:32

Ca c'est du :doddy: !!!
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lizzy Darcy
Extensive reading
lizzy Darcy

Nombre de messages : 242
Localisation : Montreal city :)
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeLun 20 Oct 2008, 23:57

Je viens de voir le video que Doddy vient de poster. Pour une fois, on ne critique pas la version québécoise (enfin canadienne pour vous) que j'en suis presque soulagée. lol!

En général, je vais voir les films en anglais justement à cause du doublage. Donc, le 21 novembre...direct version anglaise pour Twilight, je suis déjà accro à la voix d'Edward cheers
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Passionate Heart

Nombre de messages : 6896
Age : 43
Localisation : Lost in Derbyshire
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 00:47

Je commencerais par citer un grand philosophe: " Qu'est ce qu'on va faire maintenant! On a un super problème là, un super...."

Ouais c'est ça faites moi taire, parce que sinon je crois que je vais devenir malpolie! Et à défaut d'être une vraie Lady, je n'en reste pas moins une jeune fille bien élevée!!!!

Que dire de plus, les voix sont atroces, tout sentiment est anihilé, que ce soit la peur ou l'émotion pure, ils se sont débarassés de tout!

Sondage: qu'elle est la phrase la plus ridicule, le "J'te fous la trouille!" du vampire (désolée mais avec cette voix là c'est pas notre Edward) ou le " T'es sur qu'ils vont pas essayer de me choper!" de la dinde qu'ils essaient de faire passer pour Bella?

Je vais pas continuer parce que vous avez déjà tout dit et que ça vaut vraiment pas le coup d'en faire un ulcère!!!!

Je propose qu'on en rigole lol!
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Romancière anglaise

Nombre de messages : 1655
Age : 42
Localisation : In the Whoniverse
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 09:19

angealyn a écrit:

Je propose qu'on en rigole lol!

Et je plussoie à 100% Very Happy
Parce que si ce n'était pas si pathétique, cette BA me ferait presque pleurer de rire lol!
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Ready for a strike!

Nombre de messages : 1254
Age : 29
Localisation : In the clearing with my husband Edward...
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:10

Alors là.... affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid

Je voudrais bien en rigoler, mais malheureusement, je peux pas ! Ces quoi ces voix ? affraid
Celle de Edward encore, ça peut passer, mais celle de Bella affraid affraid !

Et puis c'est quoi ce doublage à la noix ?
"J'te fou la trouille ?" Depuis quand Edward à un langage SMS ?
Et le "Ils vont essayer de me choper !" de Bella, dans le livre elle le dit qu'elle a pas un langage comme ça !

J'envie les filles qui vont le voir en VOSTF ! Moi je vais devoir me fader ce film avec des voix et des phrases complètement pourris ! Twilight : le film - Page 38 17735 Twilight : le film - Page 38 17735
Je ne peux pas ne pas y aller, mais je sens qu'au final je ne vais pas accrocher ! Et ça, ça m'énerve ! Twilight : le film - Page 38 639488

Vous pensez qu'on peut encore espérer avoir d'autres voix en France ? Parce que là Twilight : le film - Page 38 988187
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The Lady of Pemberley

Nombre de messages : 7925
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:13

Il y aura peut-être un cinéma qui le passera en VO à côté de chez toi ?
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Ready for a strike!

Nombre de messages : 1254
Age : 29
Localisation : In the clearing with my husband Edward...
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:14

Je ne penses malheureusement pas ! Mais dites moi que ce ne sont pas les vraies voix pour la France ! No
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The Lady of Pemberley

Nombre de messages : 7925
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:17

Tu habites à côté de quelle grande ville ? Je sais que même quand je vivais à Nantes, je pouvais trouver un ciné où les films passaient en VO même si je devais faire une heure de tram pour y aller...
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Romancière anglaise

Nombre de messages : 2176
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:26

Un membre de Allociné a fait un commentaire qui me laisse une minuscule parcelle d'espoir : il arrive que les voix et traduction des BA s'avèrent très différentes du film. Ça ne vous est pas déjà arrivé ce genre de truc? Je me souviens avoir remarqué des changements une fois installée dans la salle… Alors avec un peu de chance… (surtout si SND voit que le doublage ne motive personne, mais alors personne)
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The Lady of Pemberley

Nombre de messages : 7925
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:30

C'est beau l'optimisme de la jeunesse ! lol!

Je ne pense pas que je le verrai en VF tout court, même quand j'irai le revoir en France en janvier (voui voui c'est prévu Twilight : le film - Page 38 55950 ) donc je ne pourrai pas vous dire...

En revanche, une fille de L&L a posté un compte-rendu d'interview de Melissa Rosenberg (la scénariste) qui regorge d'infos très intéressantes :

Citation :
Melissa Rosenberg speaks
A bit of a change from the deluge of movie stills and clips...here is Melissa Rosenberg speaking about the Twilight screenplay at the Austin Film Festival (courtesy of Kathryn, who posted her wonderfully lengthy account of the event at His Golden Eyes). Some of what she says is old, some new (and some minor spoilers!). She gives us some insight on Bella and Charlie, and the love portrayed on screen. I also especially like MR's thoughts on writing a possible script for New Moon...

Alright so… this is my little journey through the Austin Film Festival. To start things off, the whole day was a lot of waiting… and more waiting… and more waiting. We ended up getting to the venue for Melissa Rosenberg’s pretty early – like 3 hours early – and there wasn’t really anyone there except for the 3 girls that we were going to meet there initially. It got pretty crowded as we neared the time of the panel. They separated the lines out to badges, film passes, and tickets. I was totally surprised to see that there really weren’t THAT many people there. When we were finally let in, the theater wasn’t even at capacity when she started (capacity was around 250ish). A HUGE group of people came in super late and that kind of filled it up to capacity – kind of.

Melissa came in – applause here – and the first thing I noticed was that she is… TALL. She has the height of a model, I swear. TALL. LOL She had a Starbucks venti cup with her, it was totally Hollywood. Haha. The guy that was moderating was hilarious – at one point during the panel he said something about Edward being a “hard-chiseled piece of cake.” He also read a piece of the end of Twilight because MR couldn’t remember a particular line.

They ended up showing the movie clip at the beginning of the panel. Now, if they were smart, they would have shown the clip at the end of the panel because people left in the middle of the panel, but that’s just me. The clip was the one that we have all seen before – the dance studio scene at the end. Okay, despite the fact that I have seen the clip several, and I mean several, times, it looks SO much better on a big screen and it sounds a whole hell of a lot better, too. James was super scary/creepy, Bella had so much emotion, and Edward, OME, EDWARD was GREAT. There was a part in the scene where he goes to pick up Bella and he says “I’m sorry” when they were looking at each other. Watch the clip and see if y’all can catch it. I almost started to cry. LOL The movements/actions look a lot better on the big screen as well. Let’s just leave it at the fact that this has made me even MORE excited for this freakin’ movie. J 32 days, y’all!

Moving along – the panel seemed to be very intimate and personal. This is also the part where the moderator kind of talks to her and asks her questions and then he opens it up to the audience later on. She talked about the process and how hard it was for her because she had a million other things going on at the time. She also said that while she was writing the screenplay for the movie, she wanted to keep the feeling of the movie the same as the book. The toughest part for her during this process was trying to piece together the story. She tried to keep the big moments of the story like the van scene, the hospital scene afterwards (apparently people were questioning whether or not it was in the movie?), the meadow scene, etc.

Melissa actually doesn’t like to use all of these voice-overs for the movie, but we needed to see the story from Bella’s POV of view and eventually, she had to do some voice overs. BTW, these VOs are word for word in the book. [/insert cheering here]

Whenever Melissa started doing the screenplay for the movie, she had no idea how huge the fan base was, brushing it off kind of until she finished writing it. It took her 5 weeks to write the script and she had to do all of this BEFORE the Writer’s Strike. The poor woman, she says she didn’t shower over the weekends and she felt bad for her husband. She “basically cancelled her life” for the movie. LOL Despite all of the work, she likes to be overemployed than not employed at all. Yay her. She also said that she didn’t read all of the books, just Twilight for the screenplay and after she finished, she went out and bought the rest and read them.

Surprisingly, Melissa said that she imagined KStew and RPattz as her Bella and Edward. It wasn’t THEM exactly, but it was pretty close. Obviously, she wrote the screenplay before it was cast, but it definitely a good choice in her opinion. She also said something along the lines of surrendering your ideas of who the characters should be in her mind and just go with it and give the actors/actresses the benefit of the doubt. There was a joke made about Jack Black trying out for Edward around here or how he could have been Edward – don’t really remember how it came about. Sorry. LOL

She also started talking about how the optioning the Paramount had done even before SM had published Twilight. It had something to do with Bella being some FBI agent and some track star, popular etc. We all know that story. It’s funny because when SM saw it, she freaked out and didn’t want to option the movie to anyone else. Summit basically had to beg for the option and offered for SM to write a manifesto of what HAD to be in the movie and it basically said to Melissa to just “do the book.”

MR was on set for a couple of days and says that she couldn’t be there too long because she had Dexter as well as other commitments. She was actually there the same time that SM was at one point.

There was a connection made between Edward and Dexter (her TV show – she’s the co-executive producer) in that they were likable villains. It’s a dark side that we like to see as a dramatization of what we normally go through. She wanted people to connect with the characters and show the audience their own darkness. In a way, Edward and Dexter are similar characters.

Question and Answer Portion:

On sexual tension and finding that balance: MR said it was a “delicate dance” and that there was a need to build up to the tension. On screen, Edward’s attraction to Bella seems to be like repulsion, you have to build up to that sexual tension. On screen, that takes 10-20 minutes where as SM had a whole 3rd of her book. You have to peel/unfold the story, something along those lines. There was also something said along the lines of: “it’s not really as much about the sexuality as it is about the sensuality, the longing.”

On the sequels to Twilight (NM, Eclipse, BD): MR was very mum about it and that there was a lot of talking at this point. Hollywood is always talk, apparently. She also wouldn’t really talk about the other projects she was working. Since writing Twilight, she has read the rest of the books in the series and started to think about what she COULD write, she’s had thoughts. Example: she wanted to keep Edward present, whether it would be in Bella’s mind or elsewhere. This would be the biggest challenge if she were called onto to do New Moon.

On her favorite scenes to write in the movie: action scenes, bad vamps, tension scenes, scenes with Charlie. She said something about a flow that she would get into and the pace of the scene really allowed for her to write it well. She also enjoyed writing the backstory of the bad vamps. She was excited about the fact that in the movie, she was going to be able to bring their story to the foreground with what they were doing before happening upon the Cullens. She said that she even scared herself with some of the stuff she wrote. LOL Charlie was the heartbeat of the story to MR. They started out as very emotionally disconnected and as they move on along the story, his character changes a bit. She mentioned that Billy Burke played Charlie brilliantly and that we would love him in the movie. Comforting, eh? LOL

On whether or not we would feel the love and emotions in the movie that we felt in the book: MR described as “delicious” and that it feels very real in the movie, nothing glossy and perfect. Kristen and Rob played their characters very realistically, and particularly commended Kristen with her acting. Kristen played Bella as awkward and kind of mumbles a little bit, stuttered here and there, but she said the number one thing she wanted when writing the character was that she wanted Bella to be strong. Something about MR and Catherine Hardwicke being very outspoken feminists and both of them wanted to portray the women as strong individuals.

On the tree scenes and the spider-monkey line: SM approved of the trees, though I THINK MR said that SM was hesitant about it first. I personally thought the tree scenes were brilliant. They also found the sparkling effect to be pretty hard to do realistically. When MR did an interview with MTV, she gave credit to the spider-monkey line to Rob. It was actually Catherine Hardwicke that coined the phrase and after that interview went on, Catherine apparently called/e-mailed/any-form-of-technological-communication her and said that it was her line – of course, it was as a joke. Haha.

On working with Catherine Hardwicke: she was happy to work with CH because she was able to get instant feedback from her concerning the screenplay and the script, etc. She also described CH as a sounding board for things that she needed. CH was definitely a person to go to bounce ideas off of. She also had a writing group that helped as well and urged writers to find a writing group.

On Midnight Sun: MR only read one chapter of Midnight Sun and she was grateful for the fact that she was even allowed the opportunity to read Midnight Sun. The bad thing about reading MS was that at one point she had tried to use something from MS; however, since they had not optioned the book, she couldn’t use it. Plus, she wanted to strictly keep it from Bella’s POV.

On adaptations vs. creating on your own: she said that with adaptations, you had the book there for you as a reference sheets for anything that you needed and that’s what it made it somewhat easier. Both of the processes were still very similar in a way. She takes highly detailed outlines – for Twilight, she had 25 pages of single spaced lines for that outline.

On the meadow scene: MR says that this is one of the pivotal parts of the movie and that it was a big area in the movie as well as in the book. She made this the midpoint in the movie instead of having it at the beginning. As a midpoint, this is where the love starts to take off. MR had to compress a lot of it and it seems like it would be more pivotal in the movie than in the book, she thinks.

On the prom scene: the moderator had to read the last line in the book in order for MR to remember what happened. It was pretty funny how the moderator read it – very… strong. LOL It was funny. I’m just going to write what she said and I don’t know if this would be considered a spoiler, because it kind of is and kind of isn’t. You’ve been warned! LOL MR said that the last part of the movie was very similar to that book, although it’s not word for word. She wouldn’t give away what actually happened, but she said it was very similar and that something interesting happens. Someone also asked about eluding to the sequel, but she was very mum about that as well. There was also a question about waiting until AFTER the credits and she said she didn’t know, but that we should wait to appreciate the people who worked on the movie. LOL I’d wait.

On reshoots: she said that most of the reshoots had to do with the weather because it was constantly changing and in the movie, the weather plays a big part in the story. We get to see a backstory rather than just hear it; it’s better visually.

Overall, the panel was pretty neat. It was very quiet and chill. I actually enjoyed hearing her speak. After the panel, we tried to bum rush it over to my car to get to the How To Be screening, but my sister wanted and autograph and she definitely got one, while I had to go and get the car. Gah. I WISH. I am actually now very at ease with the movie because I know that it’s in good hands. MR knows what she’s doing and where she’s going with this movie. If all goes well with Twilight, I have my fingers crossed for her to do the screenplay for New Moon.

Je veux New Moon en film !!!!! Twilight : le film - Page 38 569507
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Romancière anglaise

Nombre de messages : 2176
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 13:41

Merci Doddy, article intéressant! Moi aussi je veux New moon en film Twilight : le film - Page 38 673712
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Passionate Heart

Nombre de messages : 6896
Age : 43
Localisation : Lost in Derbyshire
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 14:24

Je plussoie les filles!!!! Very Happy

Très intéressante cette interview cheers
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The Lady of Pemberley

Nombre de messages : 7925
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 15:19

Et ce n'est pas fini, voici une interview de Peter Facinelli qui interprète le rôle de Carlisle.

Citation :
So how did you end up as Carlisle Cullen, the leader of Twilight's vegetarian vampire clan?
I got a call from my agent saying there's a vampire movie that Catherine Hardwicke's directing. And the first thing out of my mouth [was], "I don't want to do a vampire movie."

What do you have against vampires?
I just thought they were silly, you know? All the ones that I'd seen are all blood and guts and gore — more like zombie films than the mystical tale of the vampire, which is where it originated. So I thought it would be like that, because there was a time, right after Interview with the Vampire, where they were making a ton of vampire movies and I'd get like these really god-awful scripts. And so I had that taste in my mouth that vampire movies were just these Dawn of the Dead zombie types [of movies].

So you were about to write it off?
Yeah, completely. But I liked Catherine Hardwicke's work, so it was interesting enough for me to say, "Okay, I'll read the book." Because we didn't even have a script at that point. So I read the book in a day. It was such a great read and I was so excited by it, because it was kind of a throwback to the original vampire tales with their sexual metaphors about the bloodthirsty but beautiful creatures. The images from the old school black and white movies were what came to mind when I first read the book. It was a beautiful, forbidden love story set in this vampire world — so it would make a fun movie. So I went in and read for Catherine, and I think I did a good job. But, truth be known, I didn't get the role originally.

Really? What happened?

I thought I did a great job and Catherine liked me, but there was another actor that the studio was pushing for. I'm not naming names, no! I don't want him kicking himself. I guess he was doing another movie or they couldn't work out his deal or something. But when I read, I loved Catherine. She's full of passion and energy. I thought she was great and I really wanted to work with her. So when I found out I didn't get the role, I was bummed. Then I was in this bookstore and I saw this book of, like, 50 years of vampires in Hollywood — again, those old school shots of Bela Lugosi and the original Dracula and just the history and the lore. So I bought this book, and I sent it with a note to Catherine saying, "Look, I'm sorry it didn't work out. I really admire your work. I hope this book inspires you through the making of Twilight." And so when she got the call that this other actor wasn't working out, she looked down and saw that book and said, "Well, what about Peter Facinelli?" So I always joke that I bought the role of Dr. Carlisle Cullen for $29.99. And I was worth every penny.

And what did you think of the character of Carlisle?
He's sort of an odd creature, a vegetarian vampire father figure.
He's just a great soul, if vampires can have souls. He's 300-something-years-old, but looks 26. I kind of connected to the father figurehead aspect of him, because I have three children of my own. I enjoyed who he was as the patriarch of the family and how he saved these people's lives rather than taking them. He's sort of anti-vampire, despite being a vampire. It was an interesting nut to crack. And at first I was worried that I looked too young, because Carlisle's kids are in their late teens, early 20s, and I'm about ten years older, so I couldn't really be their father, so it would look strange on film. But in the book, they're his adopted children and he's supposed to be young. But also, he's a doctor, so he has this wisdom about him, which was interesting.

You're getting a lot of doctors now, huh?
Yeah, I used to play a lot of cop roles, but now I've graduated to the doctors. I get to play doctor on my new Showtime dramedy, "Nurse Jackie" [with Edie Falco, premiering in January on Showtime], so it is back to back white coats. It's really quirky, not quite "Grey's Anatomy," but not really "Scrubs" either. But this doctor is completely 180 degrees away from Dr. Carlisle Cullen. This guy's a different creature all together. He's kind of cool and confident on the outside, but inside he's a big mess. He could use some tips from Carlisle.

How did you approach the role of Carlisle? Did you try vegetarianism?
No, you know, it's weird; I started eating a lot more meat than I usually eat. I was just hungry for red meat the whole time. So it kind of had a backwards effect on me, because normally I'm more on the vegetarian side. So with this, I was eating steak all the time. I kind of [looked at] it from the point of view of being the patriarch in the family. I tried to make sure that even though I looked younger, there was a distinct separation between me and the kids. The character is 300-plus years [old] and he brings a lot of wisdom and experience to the table. So I tried to bring out that dignity and grace. And it was weird because I used to be the youngest one on the set, and this was one of my first projects where I was one of the oldest ones on the set. And that's pretty rare. I guess I'm becoming older. It's a blink of an eye and suddenly I'm the dad. But it was great working with Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson, and the other younger actors. Especially the newer actors. They have this energy and they're not jaded yet. So they have this freshness and spontaneity. And they all started calling me dad, which was funny.

Did that freak you out at all?
No. I have children, so I'm used to it.

Had you heard about the Twilight Saga before you got the call?
No, but I read the book in a day, and I couldn't put it down. I don't know what it is with Stephenie Meyer's writing, whether it's hypnotic or what, but most people I know who have read it can't put it down. My wife ["90210" star Jennie Garth] started reading them after I got the part, and she's on book four now. She literally read one after the other after the other just staying up till two in the morning. She literally couldn't put it down till she had to just pass out.

Have you read the rest of the series?
I read the first three because I wanted to get a good sense of Carlisle Cullen. But now Jennie's got Breaking Dawn and she's not giving it up. She's halfway done now. But now I'm reading Stephenie Meyer's The Host. And my daughter Luca is 11, and she's read the first book. I haven't let her read the others yet because she's a little young for the content in those. But I also wanted her to be able to watch Twilight the movie as a story in and of itself. When you start reading the others, you get the bigger picture, but you lose sight of the first one on its own.

What did Luca think of it?
She's really, really excited. And it's exciting for me because most of my film and TV work is aimed at adults, so she hasn't been able to see any of it. This is the first movie that I can actually have my kid see, and that's exciting to me. Usually Luca and my other two daughters [Lola and Fiona] can see their mom Jen's work, but they wonder what I do. So this is new for me. I'm excited about it. It's good to be able to have something that my kids can be a part of.

How was shooting in Portland, Oregon? As rainy as it seems?
No, you know, we thought there would be a lot of overcast skies — that's why we went there. I don't know if it was global warming or what, but we ended up getting a lot of sunny days. Usually on a film set, sun is good. But with this one, it was the exact opposite. We were hoping for cloud coverage. And we'd want rain but we'd get sun.

Did you guys have to use a lot of SPF 50 to stay pale, or was it a lot of make-up?
It was a little bit of both. As soon as we got the parts, we were told, "Do NOT go in the sun." It was in the contract! So I tried to stay out of the sun as much as possible. There was make-up involved, but the more tan you already were, the more make-up you'd need — and you don't want that really thick, cakey make-up on your face. So the paler you were, the easier it was in the make-up chair. So I'd be walking around L.A. pre-shoot, taking the kids to school in a hat and glasses and a hood. I looked like the Unabomber. And my wife would tell me I looked so pale I looked sickly. And then there were the contacts lenses.

How did those go over?
I had to wear contacts for this movie I did called Supernova, so I've sort of gotten used to them. But when I first did that film, two technicians had to literally tie me to the chair and pop them in, I had such trouble. So some of the kids really had trouble with them on Twilight. But they did a lot better than I did on my first contact-lenses gig. We did the golden color because the Cullens have those golden eyes. And then, when we're hungry, we have to pop the red ones in. Those were pretty freaky. I definitely look very different in this film, between the blonde hair, the ghostly skin, and those contacts. It's different than anything else I've done before, which I loved.

They added a lot more action to the film version. Was it live-action or was there a lot of green screen?
We had a lot of rehearsals. And these rehearsals were like cat classes to teach us that graceful, cat-like movement. We had to go in big with and then tone it down and down and down till it was very subtle. And we had a lot of action training sequences. But the biggest stunts were for the baseball scene — the scene with the thunder, where we're moving at super-speed. But we didn't do a lot of green screen, actually. What I love about this film is that it's kind of the anti-Harry Potter. They're big on green screen and studio perfection. This film is more raw, more character-driven. It's kind of like an art house film with a very commercial story. Catherine [Hardwicke] shoots almost documentary-style on this. There's a lot of hand-held with Twilight. It's very different than other films.

Are you aware the Twilighters and Twi-Hards, as they call themselves, who have been following the film's production?
There's too much to follow! The fans starting showing up to the set before we really even started. They're so excited and it's exciting for us to be making something that people really want to see. I think if people are talking about it at all, it's a good thing. Whether they're what they're saying is positive or negative, it will get people to the theaters — and I think they'll be surprised.

Do you think the adaptation stays true to the book?
Well, it's hard when you're doing a movie based on a book, because everyone already sees their own version in their head. So you can't ever match someone's interpretation of it. So this is Catherine's interpretation and our interpretations of the characters. But people going to the theater will be bringing their interpretations with them.

There's already talk about a New Moon adaptation.
I'm on board for any and all Twilight Saga adaptations they want to make. I'm a huge fan. It's fun doing a movie that you'd really want to see. I have people come up and tell me they're crazy Twilight fans, and my response is, "So am I." I'd love to see more movies made.

So are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Well, I'm completely biased but I have to say Team Edward. He's my family. And my wife is totally Team Edward. But it depends on which book she's reading. At one point, she was on New Moon, and she was like, "I'm Team Jacob, how could Edward do that?" But now she's dedicated to Edward.
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Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 15:53

Je ne sais pas si l'info a déjà été postée mais il est possible de poser des questions à S Meyer sur le site d'Allociné ici.
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The Lady of Pemberley

Nombre de messages : 7925
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 16:34

Non, ça n'a pas été posté je pense... Very Happy

Voici de nouvelles images :

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anne shirley
Delights of Kindred Spirit
anne shirley

Nombre de messages : 4455
Age : 39
Localisation : on the road to Avonlea...
Date d'inscription : 01/01/2008

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 18:04

Merci Doddy pour les articles et les images ! Very Happy

Sinon, pour le doublage du trailer, je vous rejoins à 100% : c'est vraiment n'importe quoi ! Suspect
Le pire c'est le "j'te fous la trouille" ! affraid Non mais franchement, il parle pas comme ça Edward !

Vive la VO !
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Passionate Heart

Nombre de messages : 6896
Age : 43
Localisation : Lost in Derbyshire
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 18:14

Twilight : le film - Page 38 656156 J'avais complètement oublié que Peter Facinelli était le mari de Jennie Garth!!!! J'adore le fait qu'il dise qu'il est fan de la série! Twilight : le film - Page 38 545529

Doddy merci pour ces nouvelles photos! J'adore Angela, elle est toute mimi!!!
Par contre je voulais regarder les photos de Rose que tu as postées hier, mais y'a rien qui vient quand je clique dessus Twilight : le film - Page 38 792171
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Cherry Blossom Girl

Nombre de messages : 2458
Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 09/02/2008

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 18:16

Merci Doddy pour les photos Twilight : le film - Page 38 567661 T'es vraiment la reine du Twilight : le film - Page 38 548707 lol!
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Ready for a strike!

Nombre de messages : 1254
Age : 29
Localisation : In the clearing with my husband Edward...
Date d'inscription : 29/07/2008

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 18:17

Je rejoins Angealyn, moi aussi je ne peux pas voir les photos de Rose ! scratch
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lizzy Darcy
Extensive reading
lizzy Darcy

Nombre de messages : 242
Localisation : Montreal city :)
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2008

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 18:30

Wow, merci pour les nouvelles photos Doddy cheers
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The Lady of Pemberley

Nombre de messages : 7925
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 21:37

Voici de nouvelles images inédites du Movie Companion Book (a priori ce sont les dernières que n'ayons pas encore vu...)


Et voici les photos de Rosalie dont les liens ne marchent apparemment plus :

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Blue Dreams Faërie

Nombre de messages : 3045
Age : 41
Localisation : Lost in a world full of books and faëries
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2008

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 21:41

Merci Doddy pour toutes les news que tu nous apportes à chaque fois Smile
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Romancière anglaise

Nombre de messages : 2176
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2007

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 22:11

Merci Doddy! cheers
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Passionate Heart

Nombre de messages : 6896
Age : 43
Localisation : Lost in Derbyshire
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 22:48

Doddy, fournisseuse officielle de.... scratch Bah de tout en fait! Razz

Twilight : le film - Page 38 567661
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Ready for a strike!

Nombre de messages : 1116
Age : 35
Localisation : in Neverland...
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2007

Twilight : le film - Page 38 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Twilight : le film   Twilight : le film - Page 38 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct 2008, 23:20

bounce cheers Merci Doddy pour ces photos !!!
Raaaaah James Twilight : le film - Page 38 284494 Twilight : le film - Page 38 284494 Twilight : le film - Page 38 284494 ...

Je trouve Rosalie de plus en plus jolie !!
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Contenu sponsorisé

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Twilight : le film
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